The life history of an important forensic blowfly, Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) from Venezuela, was studied at 28 °C, 47% RH and 12 h photoperiod in laboratory under two protein substrates: beef liver and sardine. The data were analyzed using the age-stage life table method with TWO-SEX computer program that considers the development rate among individuals and between sexes. The development time was: 8 h from egg-1st larvae, 20 h 1st-2nd larvae, 28 h 2nd-3rd larvae, 56 h 3rd-pupa and 83 h pupa-adult. The total development time was 200 h and 198 h, with liver and sardine respectively. Were found significant differences (Kruskal-Wallis test), between instars duration and protein substrates, with exception of egg-1st larvae and 3rd larvae-pupa. The specimens under liver showed high fecundity and low generation time; however under sardine, the life expectancy and survival rate were high, in contrast to low mortality and long generational time. Our study represents the first investigation in Venezuela that determines the vital statistics in blowfly species.