Repositorio Dspace

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  • Akesson, Christine; Matthews-Bird, Frazer; Bitting, Madeleine; Fennell, Christie-Jane; Church, Warren B; Larry C. Peterson, Larry C.; Valencia, Bryan G.; Bush, M. B. (Nature Publishing Group, 2019)
    umid montane forests are challenging environments for human habitation. We used high-resolution fossil pollen, charcoal, diatom and sediment chemistry data from the iconic archaeological setting ...
  • Landrum, Leslie; Fortunato, Renee; Barkworth, Mary; Breitwieser, I.; Demissew, Sebsebe; Dönmez, Ali; Dutta, S.; Freire Fierro, Alina; León, Blanca; Moore, Gerry; Mosyakin, Sergei L.; Sennikov, Alexander; Rico Arse, Lourdes; Smith, Gideon F.; Parra O., Carlos (2021)
    A Special-purpose Committee on Virtual Participation in theNomenclature Section (NS) was established at the XIX InternationalBotanical Congress in Shenzhen, China in 2017 (Wilson in Taxon68: 160–162. 2019). The mandate of ...
  • Smith, Gideon F.; Figueiredo, Estrela; Moore, Gerry; Landrum, Leslie R.; Gereau, Roy E.; Prado, Jefferson; Demissew, Sebsebe; Applequist, Wendy; Quintanar, Alejandro; Renée, Fortunato; Freire Fierro, Alina; Wen, Jun; Fei Deng, Yun (Scopus, 2022)
    Prior to the 2011 Melbourne Congress, the late esteemednomenclaturalist Gillian Perry (in Taxon 59: 1915–1916. 2010) dis-covered a previously overlooked issue threatening the perceivedhomotypy of some 30 names with conserved ...
  • Åkesson, Christine M.; Matthews Bird, Frazer; Fennell, Christie Jane; Church, Warren B.; Peterson, Larry C.; Valencia, Bryan G. (Nature Publishing Group, 2020)
    Humid montane forests are challenging environments for human habitation. We used high-resolution fossil pollen, charcoal, diatom and sediment chemistry data from the iconic archaeological setting of Laguna de los Condores, ...
  • Rodbell, D. T.; Hatfield, R. G.; Abbott, M. B.; Woods, A; Chen, C. Y.; Stoner6, J. S.; Weidhaas, N. C.; Hillman, A.L.; Larsen D.J.; Delgado, G.; Katz, S.A.; Solada, K.E.; Valencia, Bryan G. (Scopus, 2022)
    Our understanding of the climatic teleconnections that drove ice-age cycles has been limited by a paucity of well-dated tropical records of glaciation that span several glacial–interglacial intervals. Glacial deposits ...
  • de Novaes Nascimento, Majoi; Laurenzi, Anne Gail; Valencia, Bryan G.; Van, Robert; Bush, Mark (SAGE Publications, 2018)
    We present a 12,6700-yr limnological history of Lake Miski, a high-elevation lake in a wet section of the Peruvian Andes. While many shallow Andean lakes dried up during the mid-Holocene, loss-on-ignition, magnetic ...
  • Nuñez Rodríguez, José; Bonilla Villarreal, Mary; Liria, Jonathan (Wiley-Blackwell, 2020)
    Background: Venezuela has experienced soaring rates of violent crime, in particular, homicides. The Aragua state with 142 to 168 crimes per 100,000 inhabitants has the highest homicide rate in the last 5 years. All these ...
  • Izurieta, Arturo; Delgado, Byron; Moity, Nicolas; Calvopiña, Monica; Cedeño, Yvan; Banda-Cruz, Gonzalo; Cruz, Eliecer; Aguas, Milton; Arroba, Francisco; Astudillo, Iván; Bazurto, Diana; Soria, Mónica; Banks, Stuart; Bayas, Steve; Belli, Simone; Bermúdez, Rafael; Boelling, Nicolai; Bolaños, Jimmy; Borbor, Mercy; Brito, Ma. Lorena; Bucheli, Leopoldo; Campbell, Karl; Carranza, David; Carrión, Jorge; Casafont, Maria; Castro, Xavier; Chamorro, Sandra; Chávez, Juan; Chicaiza, David; Chumbi, René; Couenberg, Paulina; Cousseau, David; Cruz, Marilyn; d’Ozouville, Noemí; de la Guía, Cristina; de la Torre, Giorgio; Molina Díaz, Carla; Duchicela, Jessica; Endara, Daniel; Garcia, Vanessa; Gellibert, Cynthia; Gibbs, James; Guzmán, Juan Carlos; Heylings, Pippa; Iglesias, Andrés; Izurieta, Juan Carlos; Jaramillo, Patricia; Klingman, Asleigh; Laurie, Andrew; Leon, Patricia; Medina, Jaime; Mendieta, Edison; Merlen, Godfrey; Montalvo, Carla; Naula, Edwin; Paez, Diego; Peralta, Manuel; Peralvo, Marcos; Piu, Mario; Villarraga, Hernán G.; Rousseaud, Ana; Pozo, Mireya; Proaño, Daniel; Ramos, Mónica; Rueda, Danny; Salinas, Pelayo; Salmoral, Gloria; Saraguro, Silvia (Surey Beatty & Sons, 2018)
    Galápagos is one of the most pristine archipelagos in the world and its conservation relies upon research and sensible management. In recent decades both the interest in, and the needs of, the islands have increased, yet ...
  • Aspinall, Richard; Staiano, Michele (MDPI, 2017)
    This paper presents a conceptual model of land as a coupled human–environment system. Land use and land cover are incorporated as elements of the human and environment system respectively. Drivers and associated processes ...
  • Ortega Andrade, H. Mauricio; Astudillo Bravo, Diana; Ordóñez Checa, Eliana (Scopus, 2023)
    Traditional knowledge, much like scientific knowledge, is the product of observation and reflection from the relationship between people and their habitat. This paper documents the first inventory of native names and ...
  • Vera Palacios, Antonio Leonel; Sacoto Torres, Juan Diego; Hernández Altamirano, Josselin A.; Moreno, Andres; Peñuela Mora, María Cristina; Salazar Valenzuela, David; Salazar Mogollón, Noroska Gabriela; de Almeida, José R. (Scopus, 2022)
    Bothrops atrox snakebites are a relevant problem in the Amazon basin. In this biodiverse region, the ethnomedicinal approach plays an important role as an alternative to antivenom therapy. Urospatha sagittifolia (Araceae) ...
  • Diéguez Santana, Karel; Puris, Amilkar; Rivera Borroto, Oscar M; Casanola Martin, Gerardo M; Rasulev, Bakhtiyor; González Díaz, Humberto (Scopus, 2022)
    Introduction This report proposes the application of a new Machine Learning algorithm called Fuzzy Unordered Rules Induction Algorithm (FURIA)-C in the classification of drug-like compounds with antidiabetic inhibitory ...
  • Legate, Nicole; Thi Nguyen, Thuy-vy; Moller, Arlen C; Lisa, Legault; Vally, Zahir; Tajchman, Zuzanna; Zsido, Andras N.; Zrimsek, Miha; Chen, Zhang; Ziano, Ignazio; Gialitaki, Zoi; Ceary, Chris D.; Álvarez Sola, Sara (Scopus, 2022)
    Finding communication strategies that effectively motivate social distancing continues to be a global public health priority during the COVID-19 pandemic. This cross-country, preregistered experiment (n = 25,718 from 89 ...
  • Raczka, Marco F.; Mosblech, N.A.; Giosan, L.; Valencia, Bryan G.; Folcik, A.M.; Kingston, M.; Baskin, S.; Bush, M.B. (Elsevier, 2019)
    A new fossil pollen, Sporormiella, and sediment chemistry record from Lake Llaviucu, Ecuador, spanning the period from 16,280–9000 years Before Present, provides a high-resolution record of paleoecological change in the ...
  • Zhang, Pengshuai; Zhang, Tengyu; Zhang, Jingxin; Liu, Huaiyou; Chicaiza Ortiz, Cristhian David; Lee, Jonathan T. E.; He, Yiliang; Dai, Yanjun; Tong, Yen Wah (Scopus, 2024)
    The utilization of biochar derived from biomass residue to enhance anaerobic digestion (AD) for bioenergy recovery offers a sustainable approach to advance sustainable energy and mitigate climate change. However, conducting ...
  • Charyate, Abdelilah C. A.; Dubrov, Dmitrii; Tejada Rivera, María del Carmen M. C.; Miller, Jeremy K.; Uusberg , Andero; Lerner , Jennifer S.; Gross , James J.; Bamikole Agesin, Bamikole; Bernardo, Márcia; Campos, Olatz; Eudave , Luis; Grzech , Karolina; Hausman Ozery, Daphna; Jackson, Emily A.; Elkin Oswaldo, Luis Garcia ; Meir Drexler , Shira; Penić Jurković1, Anita; Álvarez Solas, Sara (Scopus, 2021)
    The COVID-19 pandemic has increased negative emotions and decreased positive emotions globally. Left unchecked, these emotional changes might have a wide array of adverse impacts. To reduce negative emotions and increase ...
  • Moreno, Davinia; Gutiérrez, Francisco; delValac, Miren; Carbonel, Domingo; Jiménez, Fernando; Alonso, M Jesús; López, Gloria I.; Martínez Pillado, Virginia; Martínez, David; Guzmán, Oswaldo (Scopus, 2021)
    Seismic hazard assessment and geochronology are closely linked disciplines. The quantity and quality of the geochronological data used for fault-source characterization is crucial in seismic hazard estimates, which may ...
  • Schiferl, J.; Åkesson, C. M.; Valencia, Bryan G.; Rozas-Davila, A.; McGee, D.; Woods, A.; Chen, C. Y.; Hatfield, R. G.; Rodbell, D. T.; Abbott, M. B.; Bush, M. B.; Kingston, M. (Scopus, 2023)
    Understanding how tropical systems have responded to large-scale climate change, such as glacial-interglacial oscillations, and how human impacts have altered those responses is key to current and future ecology. A sedimentary ...
  • Cabrera, Marcela; Bryan G., Valencia; Lucas Solis, Oscar Enrique; Calero, Jaqueline L.; Maisincho, Luis; Conicelli, Bruno; Massaine Moulatlet, Gabriel; Vellosa Capparelli, Mariana (Scopus, 2020)
    Microplastic contamination has become ubiquitous in terrestrial and marine environments. Recent studies have shown that the wind can transport and deposit microplastics in high mountain ecosystems, but microplastic ...
  • Vigle, Gregory O.; Coloma, Luis A.; Juan Carlos, Santos; Hernadez Nieto, Sebastián; Ortega Andrade, H. Mauricio; Paluh, Daniel J.; Read, Morley (Scopus, 2020)
    We describe a new species of dendrobatid frog, Leucostethus bilsa sp. nov., using molecular, morphological, and acoustic evidence. We also comment on the taxonomic status of four similar Hyloxalus and Colostethus. We provide ...