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  • Wang, Chaoqun; Zhang, Yongxiang; Deng, Lirong; Zhao, Mingtao; Liang, Meiqi; Lee, Lien Chieh; Chicaiza Ortiz, Cristhian David; Yang, Long; He, Tonghui (Scopus, 2023)
    Excessive chemical substances in agricultural drainage water have serious adverse effects on the ecological environment of the watershed into which they are discharged. Therefore, it has attracted widespread attention from ...
  • García García, Diva Marcela; Módenes Cabrerizo, Juan Antonio; Villarraga, Hernán G. (Scopus, 2023)
    Las formas de corresidencia remiten a la manera en que se organiza la demanda residencial para acceder a la oferta. En el sistema familiar latinoamericano su complejidad constituye una estrategia de supervivencia, que tiene ...
  • López Ulloa, Magdalena; Bonilla Bedoya, Santiago; Valencia, Kevin; Herrera, Miguel Ángel; Donoso, David; Macedo Pezzopane, José Eduardo (Scopus, 2023)
    Biological indicators of soil quality express the capacity of a soil to maintain its ecosystem functions and services between socio-ecosystem inflection thresholds; therefore, they are determinants in management and land ...
  • Schiferl, J.; Åkesson, C. M.; Valencia, Bryan G.; Rozas-Davila, A.; McGee, D.; Woods, A.; Chen, C. Y.; Hatfield, R. G.; Rodbell, D. T.; Abbott, M. B.; Bush, M. B.; Kingston, M. (Scopus, 2023)
    Understanding how tropical systems have responded to large-scale climate change, such as glacial-interglacial oscillations, and how human impacts have altered those responses is key to current and future ecology. A sedimentary ...
  • Villasana, Yanet; García-Macedo, Jorge A.; Navarro-Puyuelo, Andrea; Boujnah, Mourad; Reyero, Inés; Lara-García, Hugo A.; Muñiz, Jesús; Bimbela, Fernando; Gandía, Luis M.; Brito, Joaquin Luis; Méndez, Franklin J. (Scopus, 2023)
    CO elimination is an important step for the proper management of gaseous effluents from various processes, thus avoiding adverse impacts on the environment and human health. In this study, different bimetallic Al2O3-sup-ported ...
  • Liu, Lianhua; Supe Tulcan, Roberto Xavier; He, Mengchang; Ouyang, Wei; Zhang, Qingwen; Huarez Yarleque, Christian Miguel; Chicaiza Ortiz, Cristhian David (Scopus, 2023)
    The adverse effects of antimony (Sb) pollution on ecosystems and human health caused by its use, enrichment, and bioaccumulation have become global environmental problems, particularly in China. Based on a scientometric ...
  • ter Steege, Hans; Pitman, Nigel C. A.; do Amaral, Iêda Leão; de Souza Coelho, Luiz; de Almeida Matos, Francisca Dionízia; Lima Filho, Diógenes de Andrade; Salomão, Rafael P.; Wittmann, Florian; Castilho, Carolina V.; Guevara, Juan Ernesto; Veiga Carim, Marcelo de Jesus; Peñuela Mora, María Cristina; Oliver L. Phillips; Magnusson, William E.; Sabatier, Daniel; Cardenas Revilla, Juan David (Scopus, 2023)
    Using 2.046 botanically-inventoried tree plots across the largest tropical forest on Earth, we mapped tree species-diversity and tree species-richness at 0.1-degree resolution, and investigated drivers for diversity and ...
  • Larco Benítez, Myrian Alexandra; Takeuchi, Caori; Chicaiza Ortiz, Ángel Fabián; Chérrez Rodas, Karina Alexandra (Scopus, 2023)
    This study presents the experimental results of the compression behaviour of bamboo laminates made of Dendrocalamus asper on the one hand and Guadua angustifolia on the other hand. The construction of these ...
  • Pesántez, Juan; Birkel, Christian; Gaona, Gabriel; Arciniega-Esparza, Saúl; Murray, Desneiges S.; Mosquera, Giovanny M.; Célleri, Rolando; Mora, Enma; Crespo, Patricio (Scopus, 2023)
    Tracer-aided rainfall-runoff modelling is a promising tool for understanding catchment hydrology, particularly when tracers provide information about coupled hydrological-biogeochemical processes. Such models allow for ...
  • Peripato, Vinicius; Levis, Carolina; Moreira, Guido A; Gamerman, Dani; Steege, Hans Ter; Iriarte, José; Robinson, Mark; André, Braga Junqueira; Trindade, Thiago B; de Almeida, Fernando O; de Paula Moraes, Claide; Lombardo, Umberto; Tamanah, Eduardo K; Jean P H B Ometto; Braga, José R G; Campanharo, Wesley A; Cassol, Henrique L G; Peñuela Mora, María Cristina (Scopus, 2023)
    Indigenous societies are known to have occupied the Amazon basin for more than 12,000 years, but the scale of their influence on Amazonian forests remains uncertain. We report the discovery, using LIDAR (light detection ...
  • Luedtke, Jennifer A; Chanson, Janice; Neam, Kelsey; Hobin, Louise; Maciel, Adriano O; Catenazzi, Alessandro; Borzée, Amaël; Hamidy, Amir; Aowpho, Anchalee; Jean, Anderson; Sosa Bartuano, Ángel; Fong G, Ansel; de Silva, Anslem; Fouquet, Antoine; Muñoz Saravia, Arturo; Angulo, Ariadne; Kidov, Artem A; Whyte, Damion L; Gower, David J; Olson, Deanna H; Cisneros Heredia, Diego F; Santana, Diego José; Nagombi, Elizah; Najafi Maj, Elnaz; Olson, Deanna H; Ortrega Adrade, Hugo Mauricio (Scopus, 2023)
    Systematic assessments of species extinction risk at regular intervals are necessary for informing conservation action1,2. Ongoing developments in taxonomy, threatening processes and research further underscore the need ...
  • Viren, Swami; Tran, Ulrich S.; Stieger, Stefan; Ranjbarf, Abdollahpour; Olanrewaju Adebayo, Sulaiman; Afhami, Reza; Ahmed, Oli; Aim, Annie; Akel, Marwan; Al Halbusi, Hussam; Alexias, George; F. Ali, Khawla; Alp-Dal, Nursel; Alsalhani, Anas B.; Álvarez Solas, Sara; Soares Amaral, Ana Carolina; Aspden, Trefor; Argyrides, Marios; Andrianto, Sonny (Scopus, 2023)
    The Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) is a widely used measure of a core facet of the positive body image construct. However, extant research concerning measurement invariance of the BAS-2 across a large number of nations ...
  • Negrete, Eliza Jara; Cipriani, Eva; Ortiz, Jon Molinero; Pinos Vélez, Veronica; Acosta Lopez, Sofia; Cabrera, Marcela; Medina Villamizar, Evencio Joel; David, Andrade; Pozo, Andrea; Omar, Martinez; Mogollón, Noroska Gabriela (Scopus, 2023)
    Emerging contaminants (ECs) are substances with widely diverse chemical structures that may pose a risk to the environment and human beings. The limited scope of water treatment facilities, particularly in low and middle ...
  • Istiandari, Pramesti; Yasumoto, Shuhei; Seki, Hikaru; Fukushima, Ery Odette (Scopus, 2023)
    Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (CYPs) are enzymes that play critical roles in the structural diversification of triterpenoids. To perform site-specific oxidations of the triterpene scaffold, CYPs require electrons ...
  • Delgado Cruz, Aimee del Rocio (Scopus, 2023)
    The San Cayetano neighborhood in Loja has an irregular topography and mass movement. It is considered an area of risk and vulnerability for those who live there; it lacks accessibility to facilities, green areas, and ...
  • Carrera Villacrés, Felipe Benjamín (Scopus, 2023)
    El objetivo de este trabajo es el de identificar las alternativas de uso sostenible en zonas de manglar mediante metodologías de zonificación que utilicen: el enfoque sistémico del territorio y sus relaciones con el ...
  • Campaña Chaglla, Jimena Alexandra; Preciado Ramírez, Joffre Danny; Diez Pinargote, Milena Angelly; Proaño González, Esther Angélica (Scopus, 2023)
    En los últimos años, la economía circular y el cambio de matriz productiva han emergido como enfoques clave para abordar los desafíos económicos y ambientales a los que nos enfrentamos. Este estudio se centra ...
  • Novo de Oliveira, Ana; Martins Soares, Andreimar; da Silva, Saulo L. (Scopus, 2023)
    Venoms are not uncommon biochemical weapons that only a few species possess. It is estimated that 220,000 animal spe cies produce venom, corresponding to approximately 15% of all animal species. Animal venom and poisons ...
  • Jaimes Estévez, Jaime; Martí Herrero, Jaime Emilio; Poggio, Davide; Zafra, Alemán; Gomez, Karen; Escalante, Humberto; Castro, Liliana (Scopus, 2023)
    This study investigated the effect of biochar in the psychrophilic anaerobic co-digestion regarding biomethane production potential (BMP), metabolic efficiencies, and microbial population. BMP tests of cheese whey and ...
  • Ortega Andrade, H. Mauricio; Astudillo Bravo, Diana; Ordóñez Checa, Eliana (Scopus, 2023)
    Traditional knowledge, much like scientific knowledge, is the product of observation and reflection from the relationship between people and their habitat. This paper documents the first inventory of native names and ...

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