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  • Peñuela Mora, María Cristina; Declan L., M. Cooper; Lewis, Simon L; Prado, Paulo I.; Steege, Hans ter; Nicolas, Barbier; Slik, Ferry; Sonké, Bonaventure; N. Ewango, Corneille E.; Adu-Bredu, Stephen; Affum-Baffoe, Kofi; Lopes, Maria Aparecida; Lovett, Jon C.; Lowe, Richard; Lozada, José Rafael; Lu, Xinghui; Luambua, Nestor K.; Maas, Paul; Garcia Luize, Bruno; Lima Magalhães, José Leonardo; Do Amaral, Iêda Leão; Van Do, Tran; Magnusson, William E.; Mahayani, Ni Putu Diana; Makana, Jean-Remy; Malhi, Yadvinder; Maniguaje Rincón, Lorena; Mansor, Asyraf; Manzatto, Angelo Gilberto; Marimon, Beatriz S.; Marimon-Junior, Ben Hur; Marshall, Andrew R; Doucet, Jean-Louis; Andrade, Ana; Pires Martins, Maria; Mbayu, Faustin M.; Brilhante de Medeiros, Marcelo; Mesones, Italo; Metali, Faizah; Mihindou, Vianet; Millet, Jerome; Milliken, William; Mogollón, Hugo F.; Draper, Freddie C.; Molino, Jean-François; De Andrade Miranda, Ires Paula; Mohd. Said, Mohd. Nizam; Monteagudo Mendoza, Abel; Montero, Juan Carlos; Moore, Sam; Mostacedo, Bonifacio; Mozombite Pinto, Linder Felipe; Mukul, Sharif Ahmed; T. Munishi, Pantaleo K.; Droissart, Vincent; Nagamasu, Hidetoshi; Mendonça Nascimento, Henrique Eduardo; Angoboy, Ilondea B.; Trindade Nascimento, Marcelo; Neill, David; Nilus, Reuben; Costa Noronha, Janaína; Nsenga, Laurent; Núñez Vargas, Percy; Ojo, Lucas; Duivenvoorden, Joost F.; Oliveira, Alexandre A.; De Oliveira, Edmar Almeida; Evouna Ondo, Fidèle; Araujo-Murakami, Alejandro; Palacios Cuenca, Walter; Pansini, Susamar; Petratti Pansonato, Marcelo; Ríos Paredes, Marcos; Paudel, Ekananda; Pauletto, Daniela; Engel, Julien; Pearson, Richard G.; Pena, José Luis Marcelo; Pennington, R. Toby; Peres, Carlos A.; Castaño Arboleda, Nicolás; Permana, Andrea; Petronelli, Pascal; Phillips, Juan Fernando; Phillips, Oliver L.; Pickavance, Georgia; Estienne, Vittoria; Fernandez Piedade, Maria Teresa; A. Pitman, Nigel C.; Ploton, Pierre; Popelier, Andreas; Poulsen, John R.; Arroyo, Luzmila; Prieto, Adriana; Primack, Richard B.; Priyadi, Hari; Qie, Lan; Farfan-Rios, William; Costa Quaresma, Adriano; Lima de Queiroz, Helder; Ramirez-Angulo, Hirma; Ferreira Ramos, José; Costa Reis, Neidiane Farias; Cardenas Revilla, Juan David; Ashton, Peter; Riutta, Terhi; Rivas-Torres, Gonzalo; Robiansyah, Iyan; Fauset, Sophie; Rocha, Maira; Rodrigues, Domingos de Jesus; Rodriguez-Ronderos, M. Elizabeth; Rovero, Francesco; Rozak, Andes H.; Rudas, Agustín; Rutishauser, Ervan; Aymard C, Gerardo A.; Sabatier, Daniel; Bienfaiteur Sagang, Le; Feeley, Kenneth J.; Sampaio, Adeilza Felipe; Samsoedin, Ismayadi; Satdichanh, Manichanh; Schietti, Juliana; Schöngart, Jochen; Scudeller, Veridiana Vizoni; Seuaturien, Naret; Sheil, Douglas; Baider, Cláudia; Sierra, Rodrigo; P. de Aguiar, Daniel P.; Silman, Miles R.; Freire Silva, Thiago Sanna; Da Silva Guimarães, José Renan; Simo-Droissart, Murielle; Fragomeni Simon, Marcelo; Sist, Plinio; Sousa, Thaiane R.; De Sousa Farias, Emanuelle; De Souza Coelho, Luiz; Baker, Timothy R.; Oliveira Feitosa, Yuri; Spracklen, Dominick V.; Stas, Suzanne M.; Steinmetz, Robert; Stevenson, Pablo R.; Stropp, Juliana; Sukri, Rahayu S.; H. Sunderland, Terry C.; Suzuki, Eizi; Swaine, Michael D.; Tang, Jianwei; Ferreira, Cid; Bessike Balinga, Michael Philippe; Taplin, James; Taylor, David M.; Tello, J. Sebastián; Terborgh, John; Texier, Nicolas; Theilade, Ida; Thomas, Duncan W.; Thomas, Raquel; Thomas, Sean C.; Ferreira, Joice; Tirado, Milton; Balslev, Henrik; Toirambe, Benjamin; De Toledo, José Julio; Tomlinson, Kyle W.; Torres-Lezama, Armando; Dang Tran, Hieu; Tshibamba Mukendi, John; Tumaneng, Roven D.; Umaña, Maria Natalia; Valle Ferreira, Leandro; Umunay, Peter M.; Urrego Giraldo, Ligia Estela; Banin, Lindsay F.; Valderrama Sandoval, Elvis H.; Valenzuela Gamarra, Luis; Van Andel, Tinde R.; Van de Bult, Martin; Van de Pol, Jaqueline; Van der Heijden, Geertje; Vasquez, Rodolfo; Fletcher, Christine D.; A. Vela, César I.; Martins Venticinque, Eduardo; Verbeeck, Hans; Bánki, Olaf S.; A. Veridiano, Rizza Karen; Vicentini, Alberto; Guimarães Vieira, Ima Célia; Vilanova Torre, Emilio; Villarroel, Daniel; Villa Zegarra, Boris Eduardo; Monteiro Flores, Bernardo; Vleminckx, Jason; Von Hildebrand, Patricio; Vos, Vincent Antoine; Vriesendorp, Corine; Baraloto, Chris; Webb, Edward L.; T. White, Lee J.; Wich, Serge; Wittmann, Florian; Zagt, Roderick; Fofanah, Alusine; Zang, Runguo; Zartman, Charles Eugene; Zemagho, Lise; Zent, Egleé L.; Zent Nature, Stanford; Marques Barbosa, Edelcilio; P. Sullivan, Martin J.; Rodrigues Barbosa, Flávia; Barlow, Jos; Bastin, Jean-Francois; Foli, Ernest G.; Beeckman, Hans; Begne, Serge; Nssi Bengone, Natacha; Berenguer, Erika; Berry, Nicholas; Bitariho, Robert; Boeckx, Pascal; Bogaert, Jan; Bonyoma, Bernard; Boundja, Patrick; Fonty, Émile; Bourland, Nils; Boyemba Bosela, Faustin; Brambach, Fabian; Brienen, Roel; P. Burslem, David F. R.; Camargo, José Luís; Campelo, Wegliane; Cano, Angela; Cárdenas, Sasha; Cárdenas López, Dairon; Fredriksson, Gabriella M.; De Sá Carpanedo, Rainiellen; Carrero Márquez, Yrma Andreina; Antunes Carvalho, Fernanda; Casas, Luisa Fernanda; Castellanos, Hernán; Castilho, Carolina V.; Cerón, Carlos; Chapman, Colin A.; Chave, Jerome; Chhang, Phourin; Ahuite Reategui, Manuel Augusto; Chutipong, Wanlop; Chuyong, George B.; Ladvocat Cintra, Bruno Barçante; Clark, Connie J.; Coelho de Souza, Fernanda; Comiskey, James A.; Coomes, David A.; Cornejo Valverde, Fernando; Correa, Diego F.; C. Costa, Flávia R.; Fuentes, Alfredo; Pedrosa Costa, Janaina Barbosa; Couteron, Pierre; Culmsee, Heike; Cuni-Sanchez, Aida; Dallmeier, Francisco; Damasco, Gabriel; Dauby, Gilles; Dávila, Nállarett; Dávila Doza, Hilda Paulette; De Alban, Jose Don T.; Galbraith, David; De Assis, Rafael L.; De Canniere, Charles; De Haulleville, Thales; Veiga Carim, Marcelo de Jesus; Demarchi, Layon O.; Dexter, Kyle G.; Di Fiore, Anthony; Mohammad Din, Hazimah Haji; Disney, Mathias I.; Djiofack, Brice Yannick; Gallardo Gonzales, George Pepe; K. Djuikouo, Marie-Noël; Garcia-Cabrera, Karina; García-Villacorta, Roosevelt; F. Gomes, Vitor H.; Zárate Gómez, Ricardo; Gonzales, Therany; Gribel, Rogerio; Carneiro Guedes, Marcelino; Aiba, Shin-Ichiro; Guevara, Juan Ernesto; Rehman Hakeem, Khalid; Hall, Jefferson S; Hamer, Keith C.; Hamilton, Alan C.; Harris, David J.; Harrison, Rhett D.; Hart, Terese B.; Andy, Hector; Henkel, Terry W.; Weiss Albuquerque, Bianca; Herbohn, John; N. Hockemba, Mireille B.; Hoffman, Bruce; Holmgren, Milena; Honorio Coronado, Euridice N.; Huamantupa-Chuquimaco, Isau; Hubau, Wannes; Imai, Nobuo; Irume, Mariana Victória; Jansen, Patrick A.; De Almeida Matos, Francisca Dionízia; Jeffery, Kathryn J.; Jimenez, Eliana M.; Jucker, Tommaso; Braga Junqueira, André; Kalamandeen, Michelle; Kamdem, Narcisse G.; Kartawinata, Kuswata; Kasongo Yakusu, Emmanuel; Katembo, John M.; Kearsley, Elizabeth; Alfonso, Alonso; Kenfack, David; Kessler, Michael; Khaing, Thiri Toe; Killeen, Timothy J.; Kitayama, Kanehiro; Klitgaard, Bente; Labrière, Nicolas; Laumonier, Yves; W. Laurance, Susan G.; Laurance, William F.; Amani, Christian A.; Laurent, Félix; Cong Le, Tinh; Trong Le, Trai; Leal, Miguel E.; De Moraes Novo, Evlyn Márcia Leão; Levesley, Aurora; Libalah, Moses B.; Licona, Juan Carlos; De Andrade Lima Filho, Diógenes; Lindsell, Jeremy A.; Dantas do Amaral, Dário; Lopes, Aline (Scopus, 2024)
    Trees structure the Earth’s most biodiverse ecosystem, tropical forests. The vast number of tree species presents a formidable challenge to understanding these forests, including their response to environmental change, as ...
  • Moulatlet, Gabriel Massaine; Riaño, Karolina; O. Rodrigues, Flávio R.; Meneses Játiva, Pablo Esteban; Zuquim, Gabriela (2023)
    Tropical forests have been subjected to increasing deforestation, leading to severe habitat loss and fragmentation of the landscape. Studies of various plant groups-indicate alteration in species diversity and assemblage ...
  • Mazón Ortiz, Gabriel; Cerda Mejía, Galo; Gutiérrez Morales, Eberto; Diéguez Santana, Karel; M. Ruso, Juan; González Díaz, Humberto (2023)
    Leishmaniasis is a neglected tropical illness with a wide variety of clinical signs ranging from visceral to cutaneous symptoms, resulting in millions of new cases and thousands of fatalities reported annually. This ...
  • Bermúdez Puga, Sebastián; Proaño Bolaños, Carolina; de Almeida, José R.; Freire de Oliveira, Taciana; Yokomizo de Almeida, Sonia Regina; Oller do Nascimento, Claudio Augusto; De Souza de Azevedo, Pamela Oliveira; Dias, Meriellen; Nóbrega Mendonça, Carlos Miguel; Rozas, Enrique Eduardo; Mendes, Maria Anita; de Souza Oliveira, Ricardo Pinheiro (Scopus, 2023)
    Salmonella genus is a leading cause of food-borne infections with strong public health impact and economic ramifications. The development of antimicrobial resistance added complexity to this scenario and turned the ...
  • Coba Males, Manuel Alejandro; Medrano Vizcaíno, Pablo; Sandra, Enríquez; Brito Zapata, David; Martin Solano, Sarah; Ocaña Mayorga, Sofía; Carrillo Bilbao, Gabriel Alberto; Narváez, Wilmer; Salas, Jaime Antonio; Arrivillaga Henríquez, Jazzmín; González Suárez, Manuela; Poveda, Ana (2023)
    To protect biodiversity we must understand its structure and composition including the bacteria and microparasites associated with wildlife, which may pose risks to human health. However, acquiring this knowledge often ...
  • Cargua Quishpe, Cristian Jefferson; Espin, Jorge Ronny; Valencia, Bryan G.; Simbaña Tasiguano, Marco; Araujo, Sebastián; Ocampos Valarezo, Anderson; Cornejo Bazurto, Estefany Carolina (Scopus, 2023)
    The Puyo-Tena roadway is prone to landslides due to the geodynamics, geomorphology, and geological materials of the area (unstable outcrops and strata). In recent years, this problem has persistently caused the road to be ...
  • Shane Wright, Daniel; Nayak Manel, Anupama; Guachamin Rosero, Michelle; Chamba Vaca, Pamela; Bacquet Pérez, Caroline Nicole; Merrill, Richard M. (Scopus, 2023)
    Heliconius butterflies are well-known for their colourful wing patterns, which advertise distastefulness to potential predators and are used during mate choice. However, the relative importance of different aspects of these ...
  • Llerena Aguilar, Carlos Vicente; Cabrales García, Rafael; Villalba Villadiego, Anuar; Gómez Hernández, Hugo Leonardo; Yánez Rodríguez, Marcos Alejandro (Scopus, 2023)
    A documentary review was carried out on the production and publication of research papers related to the study of the variable Academic Performance, Personalized Tutoring and Higher Education. The purpose ...
  • Villasana, Yanet; Armenise, Sabino; Ábrego, Javier; Atienza Martínez, María; Hablich, Karina; Bimbela, Fernando; Cornejo, Alfonso; Gandía, Luis M. (Scopus, 2023)
    Ecuador as an international leader in the production of cocoa beans produced more than 300 000 tons in 2021; hence, the management and valorization of the 2 MM tons of waste generated annually by this industry have a ...
  • Massaine Moulatlet, Gabriel; Yacelga, Naomi; Rico, Andreu; Mora, Abrahan; Hauser Davis, Rachel Ann; Cabrera, Marcela; Vellosa Capparelli, Mariana (Scopus, 2023)
    Metal contamination associated with mining activities has been considered one of the main environmental pollution problems in the Amazon region. Understanding the levels of metal contamination from mining activities ...
  • Jaramillo Benavides, Andrea; Librelotto, Lisiane; do Valle, Ângela (Scopus, 2023)
    El bambú es un material de construcción orgánico cuya durabilidad depende de las interacciones con el ambiente y del empleo de la técnica constructiva adecuada. Esta investigación exploratoria y predominantemente cualitativa ...
  • Jost, Lou; Mario Humberto, Yanez Muñoz; Brito, Jorge; Reyes Puig, Carolina; Reyes Puig, Juan Pablo; Freire Fierro, Alina; Guayasamín, Juan M.; Ron, Santiago R.; Quintana, Catalina; Iturralde, Gabriel; Baquero, Luis; Monteros, Marco; Fernández, Diana; Mendieta Leiva, Glenda; Morales, J. Francisco; Karremans, Adam P.; Vázquez García, J. Antonio; Salazar, Gerardo A.; Hágsater, Eric; Solano, Rodolfo; Fernández Concha, Germán Carnevali; Arana, Marcelo (Scopus, 2023)
  • Wang, Chaoqun; Zhang, Yongxiang; Deng, Lirong; Zhao, Mingtao; Liang, Meiqi; Lee, Lien Chieh; Chicaiza Ortiz, Cristhian David; Yang, Long; He, Tonghui (Scopus, 2023)
    Excessive chemical substances in agricultural drainage water have serious adverse effects on the ecological environment of the watershed into which they are discharged. Therefore, it has attracted widespread attention from ...
  • García García, Diva Marcela; Módenes Cabrerizo, Juan Antonio; Villarraga, Hernán G. (Scopus, 2023)
    Las formas de corresidencia remiten a la manera en que se organiza la demanda residencial para acceder a la oferta. En el sistema familiar latinoamericano su complejidad constituye una estrategia de supervivencia, que tiene ...
  • López Ulloa, Magdalena; Bonilla Bedoya, Santiago; Valencia, Kevin; Herrera, Miguel Ángel; Donoso, David; Macedo Pezzopane, José Eduardo (Scopus, 2023)
    Biological indicators of soil quality express the capacity of a soil to maintain its ecosystem functions and services between socio-ecosystem inflection thresholds; therefore, they are determinants in management and land ...
  • Schiferl, J.; Åkesson, C. M.; Valencia, Bryan G.; Rozas-Davila, A.; McGee, D.; Woods, A.; Chen, C. Y.; Hatfield, R. G.; Rodbell, D. T.; Abbott, M. B.; Bush, M. B.; Kingston, M. (Scopus, 2023)
    Understanding how tropical systems have responded to large-scale climate change, such as glacial-interglacial oscillations, and how human impacts have altered those responses is key to current and future ecology. A sedimentary ...
  • Villasana, Yanet; García-Macedo, Jorge A.; Navarro-Puyuelo, Andrea; Boujnah, Mourad; Reyero, Inés; Lara-García, Hugo A.; Muñiz, Jesús; Bimbela, Fernando; Gandía, Luis M.; Brito, Joaquin Luis; Méndez, Franklin J. (Scopus, 2023)
    CO elimination is an important step for the proper management of gaseous effluents from various processes, thus avoiding adverse impacts on the environment and human health. In this study, different bimetallic Al2O3-sup-ported ...
  • Liu, Lianhua; Supe Tulcan, Roberto Xavier; He, Mengchang; Ouyang, Wei; Zhang, Qingwen; Huarez Yarleque, Christian Miguel; Chicaiza Ortiz, Cristhian David (Scopus, 2023)
    The adverse effects of antimony (Sb) pollution on ecosystems and human health caused by its use, enrichment, and bioaccumulation have become global environmental problems, particularly in China. Based on a scientometric ...
  • ter Steege, Hans; Pitman, Nigel C. A.; do Amaral, Iêda Leão; de Souza Coelho, Luiz; de Almeida Matos, Francisca Dionízia; Lima Filho, Diógenes de Andrade; Salomão, Rafael P.; Wittmann, Florian; Castilho, Carolina V.; Guevara, Juan Ernesto; Veiga Carim, Marcelo de Jesus; Peñuela Mora, María Cristina; Oliver L. Phillips; Magnusson, William E.; Sabatier, Daniel; Cardenas Revilla, Juan David (Scopus, 2023)
    Using 2.046 botanically-inventoried tree plots across the largest tropical forest on Earth, we mapped tree species-diversity and tree species-richness at 0.1-degree resolution, and investigated drivers for diversity and ...
  • Larco Benítez, Myrian Alexandra; Takeuchi, Caori; Chicaiza Ortiz, Ángel Fabián; Chérrez Rodas, Karina Alexandra (Scopus, 2023)
    This study presents the experimental results of the compression behaviour of bamboo laminates made of Dendrocalamus asper on the one hand and Guadua angustifolia on the other hand. The construction of these ...

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