) Background: A proposal for the automatic control of sugar cane honey factories based
on simulation with real data is presented. (2) Methods: The P&ID diagram of the artisanal process
is designed, as well as the measurement and control systems of the different process variables. A
data acquisition and monitoring system is proposed with all the required equipment. Using GNU
Octave software, the process was simulated, where the transfer functions and parameters of the
different stages were determined. The transient responses of these systems are determined before
step-jump type disturbances, as well as that of the controllers. (3) Results: A correct adjustment of
the controllers is obtained, indicating those that work in a stable way before disturbance variations
in the real ranges of plant work. (4) Conclusions: Simulation of controllers before different forcing
functions in the ranges of the operating parameters allowed for establishing dynamic responses of
each one, demonstrating that they are capable of adjusting the value of the variable of interest or the
control, and determining control of the main operating variables