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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2019Going north and south: The biogeographic history of two Malvaceae in the wake of Neogene Andean uplift and connectivity between the AmericasHoorn, Carina; van der Ham, Raymond; de la Parra, Felipe; Salamanca, Sonia; ter Steege, Hans; Banks, Hannah; Bertie, Wim Star,; van Heuven, Joan; Langelaan, Rob; Carvalho, Fernanda A.; Rodriguez Forero, Guillermo; Lagomarsino, Laura P.
2019Celebrating Alexander von Humboldt’s 250 th anniversary: Exploring bio- and geodiversity in the Andes (IBS Quito 2019)Hoorn, Carina; GuayasaminH., Juan M.; Ortega Andrade, H. Mauricio; Bonaccorso, Elisa; Linder, Peter
2018Conceptual and empirical advances in Neotropical biodiversity researchAntonelli, Alexandre; Ariza, María; Albert, James; Andermann, Tobias; Azevedo, Josué; Bacon, Christine D.; Faurby, Søren; Guedes, Thais; Hoorn, Carina; Lohmann, Lúcia G.; Matos-Maraví, Pável; Ritter, Camila D.; Sanmartín, Isabel; Silvestro, Daniele; Tejedor, Marcelo; ter Steege, Hans; Tuomisto, Hanna; Werneck, Fernanda P.; Zizka, Alexander; Edwards, Scott V.
2019Could coastal plants in western Amazonia be relicts of past marine incursions?Bernal, Rodrigo; Bacon, Christine D.; Henrik, Balslev; Hoorn, Carina; Bourlat, Sarah J.; Tuomisto, Hanna; Salamanca, Sonia; Teunissen van Manen, Milan; Romero, Ingrid; Sepulchre, Pierre; Antonelli, Alexandre
2019EditorialLinder, H. Peter; Aspinall, Richard; Bonaccorso, Elisa; Guayasamin, Juan M.; Hoorn, Carina; Ortega Andrade, H. Mauricio
2018Iriarteeae palms tracked the uplift of Andean CordillerasBacon, Christine D.; Velásquez Puentes, Francisco J.; Hoorn, Carina; Antonelli, Alexandre