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Resultados 501-510 de 769.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2017Improved regeneration of eggplant doubled haploids from microspore-derived calli through organogenesisRivas Sendra, Alba; Corral Martínez, Patricia; Camacho Fernández, Carolina; Seguí Simarro, Jose M.
2017Development and characterization of an eggplant (Solanum melongena) doubled haploid population and a doubled haploid line with high androgenic responseRivas Sendra, Alba; Campos Vega, Manuel; Calabuig Serna, Antonio; Seguí Simarro, Jose M.
2017Epigenetics of long-term somatic embryogenesis in Theobroma cacao L.: DNA methylation and recovery of embryogenic potentialPila Quinga, Liliana Alexandra; Fraga, Hugo; do Nascimento Vieira, Leila; Guerra, Miguel Pedro
2023Antioxidant Capacity through Electrochemical Methods and Chemical Composition of Oenocarpus bataua and Gustavia macarenensis from the Ecuadorian AmazonMéndez Durazno, Carlos; Cisneros Perez, Pablo A.; Loja Ojeda, Bryan A.; Monge Sevilla, Raúl; David Romero Estévez, David; Fernández, Lenys; Espinoza Montero, Patricio J.
2015Análisis multivariante en la determinación de la influencia de las variables macroclimáticas en los patrones de precipitación. Caso: Maracay, VenezuelaÁlvarez, Willin; Vásquez, Héctor;; Sena, Arcángel
2021Reproductive ecology of white cacao (Theobroma bicolor Humb. & Bonpl.) in Ecuador, western Amazonia: floral visitors and the impact of fungus and mistletoe on fruit productionPonce Sánchez, Juan; Zurita Benavides, María Gabriela; Peñuela Mora, María Cristina
2021Determining groundwater availability and aquifer recharge using GIS in a highly urbanized watershedConicelli, Bruno; Hirata, Ricardo; Galvão, Paulo; Bernardino, Mariana; Simonato, Mateus; Costa Abreu, Marcio; Aranda, Nataly; Teradab, Rafael
2021First ESR dating of quaternary sediments in Mérida Andes, Western VenezuelaGuzmán, Oswaldo; Díaz, MariseL; Campos, Corina; González, Aleida; Vassallo, Riccardo; Arandae, Nataly; Conicelli, Bruno; González Laprea, Jesús
2023Use of GIS and R to estimate climate change impacts on groundwater recharge in Portoviejo River watershed, EcuadorIntriago, Angel; Galvão, Paulo; Conicelli, Bruno
2021Mass Mortality as a Way of Structuring Amazonian and Alpine Tree Populations: Evidence After Storm VaiaGarrido Pérez, Edgardo; Lincango Vega, Juan G.; Tella Ruiz, David; Arias Pizarro, Maria I.; Bonilla, Karen; Cabrera, Jairo; Roman, Horus J.