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Resultados 371-380 de 769.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2022Deciphering the Limitations and Antibacterial Mechanism of CruzioseptinsValdivieso Rivera, Fernando; Bermúdez Puga, Sebastián Armando; Proaño Bolaños, Carolina; de Almeida, José R.
2022Aboveground Biomass Along an Elevation Gradient in an Evergreen Andean–Amazonian Forest in EcuadorMaza, Byron; Rodes Blanco, Marina; Rojas, Edison
2022700,000 years of tropical Andean glaciationRodbell, D. T.; Hatfield, R. G.; Abbott, M. B.; Woods, A; Chen, C. Y.; Stoner6, J. S.; Weidhaas, N. C.; Hillman, A.L.; Larsen D.J.; Delgado, G.; Katz, S.A.; Solada, K.E.; Valencia, Bryan G.
2022Floristic and functional diversity of ferns and lycophytes at three elevational zones in the eastern slopes of the northern Andes, EcuadorRioaño, Carolina; Massaine Moulatlet, Gabriel
2022Dealumination and Characterization of Natural Mordenite-Rich TuffsAdriano, Armando; Cornejo, Mauricio; Baykara, Haci; Ludeña, Eduardo V.; Brito, Joaquín L.
2022Level of acceptance of epistemically unwarranted beliefs in pre-service primary school teachers: influence of cognitive style, academic level and genderCadena Nogales, Pedro D.; Solaz Portolés, Joan Josep; Echegoyen Sanz, Yolanda; Sanjosé López, Vicente
2022Hydraulic relationship between aquifer and pond under potential influence of eucalyptus and sugarcane in tropical region of São Paulo, BrazilTerada, Rafael; Hirata, Ricardo; Galvão, Paulo; Saraiva, Fernando; Tasse, Norio; Luiz, Mariana; Conicelli, Bruno
2022From laboratory to farm-scale psychrophilic anaerobic co-digestion of cheese whey and cattle manureJaimes Estévez, Jaime; Vera Mercado, Erik; Jaramillo, Juan G.; Rodríguez, Paula; Martí Herrero, Jaime Emilio; Escalante, Humberto; Castro, Liliana
2022A vectorial approach to generalize the remainder theoremHidalgo Rosas, Marcos A.; Laudano, Francesco
2022Analysis of energy future pathways for Ecuador facing the prospects of oil availability using a system dynamics model. Is degrowth inevitable?Espinoza, Vicente Sebastián; Fontalvo, Javier; Martí Herrero, Jaime Emilio; Mediavilla, Margarita; Miguel, Luis Javier