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Título : The socio-economic and environmental impacts on gravel mining in rivers: a case study in the Ecuadorian Amazon Region
Autor : Sarduy-Pereira, L.B.
De Decker M.K., Elisabeth
Pérez-Martínez, A
Casañola-Martin, G.M.
Diéguez Santana, Karel
Palabras clave : gravel extraction
River Tena
rural community
socio-environmental impact
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Resumen : This article examines the socio-economic and environmental impacts of gravel mining in the community of San Pedro, Ecuador. Data collection from primary sources was carried out through a case study of the community by means of household-level surveys in 2015. These surveys and the community’s perceptions about mining activities were considered. It explores community solutions according to the establishment of environmental measures in order to avoid the risks of flooding and direct damage to the environment. Most of the gravel mining is carried out in the river with environmental impacts such as disruption of river courses, landscape involvement and the depletion of biodiversity resources. Population show approval if appropriate measures of mining practices are taken with following environmental restoration. Community involvement of proper exploitation planning of gravel minerals, the creation of other income-generating activities and environmental restoration criteria are presented and discussed. © 2024 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.. All rights reserved.
URI : https://doi.org/10.1504/IJSSOC.2024.136261
ISSN : 1756-2538
Aparece en las colecciones: ARTÍCULOS CIENTÍFICOS

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