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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 548
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2018The Psychological Science Accelerator: Advancing Psychology Through a Distributed Collaborative NetworkMoshontz, Hannah; Campbell, Lorne; Ebersole, Charles R.; IJzerman, Hans; Urry, Heather L.; Forscher, Patrick S.; Grahe, Jon E.; McCarthy, Randy J.; Musser, Erica D.; Antfolk, Jan; Castille, Christopher M.; Evans, Thomas Rhys; Fiedler, Susann; Flake, Jessica Kay; Forero, Diego A.; J. Janssen, Steve M.; Keene, Justin Robert; Protzko, John; Aczel, Balazs; Álvarez Solas, Sara; Ansari, Daniel; Awlia, Dana; Baskin, Ernest; Batres, Carlota; Borras-Guevara, Martha Lucia; Brick, Cameron; Chandel, Priyanka; Chatard, Armand; Chopik, William J.; Clarance, David; Coles, Nicholas A.; Corker, Katherine S.; Wyld Dixson, Barnaby James; Dranseika, Vilius; Dunham, Yarrow; Fox, Nicholas W.; Gardiner, Gwendolyn; Garrison, S. Mason; Gill, Tripat; Hahn, Amanda C.; Jaeger, Bastian; Kačmár, Pavol; Kaminski, Gwenaël; Kanske, Philipp; Kekecs, Zoltan; Kline, Melissa; Koehn, Monica A.; Kujur, Pratibha; Levitan, Carmel A.; Miller, Jeremy K.; Okan, Ceylan; Olsen, Jerome; Oviedo-Trespalacios, Oscar; Özdoğru, Asil Ali; Pande, Babita; Parganiha, Arti; Parveen, Noorshama; Pfuhl, Gerit; Pradhan, Sraddha; Ropovik, Ivan; Rule, Nicholas O.; Saunders, Blair; Schei, Vidar; Schmidt, Kathleen; Messiah Singh, Margaret; Sirota, Miroslav; Steltenpohl, Crystal N.; Stieger, Stefan; Storage, Daniel; Brent Sullivan, Gavin; Szabelska, Anna; Tamnes, Christian K.; Vadillo, Miguel A.; Valentova, Jaroslava V.; Vanpaemel, Wolf; C. Varella, Marco A.; Vergauwe, Evie; Verschoor, Mark; Vianello, Michelangelo; Voracek, Martin; Williams, Glenn P.; Wilson, John Paul; Zickfeld, Janis H.; Arnal, Jack D.; Aydin, Burak; Chen, Sau-Chin; DeBruine, Lisa M.; Fernandez, Ana Maria; Horstmann, Kai T.; Isager, Peder M.; Jones, Benedict; Kapucu, Aycan; Lin, Hause; Mensink, Michael C.; Navarrete, Gorka; Silan, Miguel A.; Chartier, Christopher R.
2024Bioactivity of synthetic peptides from Ecuadorian frog skin secretions against Leishmania mexicana, Plasmodium falciparum, and Trypanosoma cruziProaño Bolaños, Carolina; Morán Marcillo, Giovanna; Espinosa de los Monteros Silva, Nina; Bermúdez Puga, Sebastián; Salazar, Mateo A.; Blasco Zúñiga, Ailín; Cuesta, Sebastián; Molina, Carolina; Espinosa, Franklin; Meneses, Lorena; Rojas Silva, Patricio; Zapata Mena, Sonia; Sáenz, Fabián E.; Rivera I., Miryan; Costales, Jaime A.
2024Mating preferences act independently on different elements of visual signals in Heliconius butterfliesSmith, Sophie Helen; Queste, Lucie M; Wright, Daniel Shane; Bacquet Pérez, Caroline Nicole; Merrill, Richard M
2024Sulfured FeMo carbides and nitrides catalysts upgrade extra heavy crude oil qualityVillasana, Yanet; Brito, Joaquin Luis; Luis Luis, Miguel Ángel; Méndez, Franklin J.
2024Preliminary Assessment of the In Vitro Immunological Activity of Native Lactobacillus Strains from the Ecuadorian AmazonScalvenzi, Laura; Torres Gutiérrez, Roldán; Cerda Mejía, Liliana; Riofrio Carrión, Andrea; Pérez Quintana, Manuel
2024Implications of landscape changes for ecosystem services and biodiversity: A national assessment in EcuadorCuenca, Pablo; Koo, Hongmi; Kleemann, Janina; Kyoung Noh, Jin; Fürst, Christine
2024Leaf and shoot apical meristem transcriptomes of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) in response to photoperiod and plant developmentMaldonado Taipe, Nathaly; Rey, Elodie; Tester, Mark; Jung, Christian; Emrani, Nazgol
2024Effects of the insecticide imidacloprid on aquatic invertebrate communities of the Ecuadorian AmazonCabrera, Marcela; Vellosa Capparelli, Mariana; Ortega Andrade, H. Mauricio; Medina Villamizar, Evencio Joel; Rico, Andreu
2024Percepciones sobre la efectividad pedagógica del Taller sobre el uso de Taptana Cañari para la enseñanza de las matemáticas: un análisis comparativo en diferentes contextos educativos.Cadena, Pedro; Guapulema Maygualema, Rocío Paola; Llerena Aguilar, Carlos Vicente
2024Spatio-temporal visualization of soil dissolved organic carbon production and mobilization in a high-elevation Andean catchmentPesántez, Juan; Birkel, Christian; Guamán, Stalin; Jerves, Mateo; Gaona, Gabriel; Arciniega Esparza, Saúl; Murray, Desneiges; Célleri, Rolando; Crespo, Patricio
2024Fermented beverages among indigenous Latin American societiesLasso García, Christian; German Bermúdez, Fátima Andrea; Vanden Berghe, Wim; Zurita-Benavides, María Gabriela; Orellana Manzano, Andrea
2024Human activities shape global patterns of decomposition rates in riversTiegs, Scott D.; Capps, Krista A.; Costello, David M.; Schmidt, John Paul; Patrick, Christopher J.; Espinosa, Rodrigo Eduardo; Follstad Shah, Jennifer J.; LeRoy, Carri J.; Acuña, Vicenç; Albariño, Ricardo; Allen, Daniel C.; Alonso, Cecilia; Andino, Patricio; y más
2024Prestoea palm flower visitors and potential pollinators in the Andean–Amazonian Piedmont Forest of EcuadorAyala González, Jholaus; Bruno A. S. de Medeiros, Bruno A. S.; Peñuela Mora, María Cristina
2024Edible Mushrooms of Peri-Urban Kichwa Communities in the Andes-Amazon Piedmont, EcuadorVicente Pérez, Katia Stefanía; Vasco Palacios, Aída M.; Zurita Benavides, María Gabriela; Peñuela Mora, María Cristina
2024Microscopic and metabolomics analysis of the anti-Listeria activity of natural and engineered cruzioseptinsBermúdez Puga, Sebastián; Dias, Meriellen; Lima Reis, Iara; Freire de Oliveira, Taciana; Yokomizo de Almeida, Sonia Regina; Mendes, Maria Anita; Moore, Simon J.; de Almeida, José R.; Proaño Bolaños, Carolina; de Souza Oliveira, Ricardo Pinheiro
2024The Century-Long Journey of Peptide-Based Drugsde Almeida, José R.
2024Farmland phytoremediation in bibliometric analysisWang, Chaoqun; Deng, Lirong; Zhang, Yongxiang; Zhao, Mingtao; Liang, Meiqi; Lee, Lien-Chieh; Chicaiza Ortiz, Cristhian David; Yang, Long; He, Tonghui
2024A machine learning assisted prediction of potential biochar and its applications in anaerobic digestion for valuable chemicals and energy recovery from organic wasteZhang, Pengshuai; Zhang, Tengyu; Zhang, Jingxin; Liu, Huaiyou; Chicaiza Ortiz, Cristhian David; Lee, Jonathan T. E.; He, Yiliang; Dai, Yanjun; Tong, Yen Wah
2024Systematic revision of the Eyelash Palm-Pitviper Bothriechis schlegelii (Serpentes, Viperidae), with the description of five new species and revalidation of threeArteaga, Alejandro; Pyron, R. Alexander; Batista, Abel; Vieira, Jose; Meneses Pelayo, Elson; Smith, Eric N.; Barrio Amorós, César L.; Koch, Claudia; Agne, Stefanie; Valencia, Jorge H.; Bustamante, Lucas; Harris, Kyle J.
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 548