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Título : EFL Classroom Management
Autor : Espinosa Cevallos, Ligia F.
Soto, Sandy T.
Palabras clave : Gestión de aula
Fecha de publicación : 2020
Editorial : Asociacion Mexicana de Maestros de Ingles MEXTESOL A.C
Citación : Cevallos, L. F. E., & Soto, S. T. (2020). EFL classroom management. Mextesol Journal, 44(2).
Resumen : One of most important sources of frustration for teachers is not being able to manage their classes successfully, especially since class management is closely related to student learning (Soria Duarte & Quezada Campoverde, 2018). This article presents several guidelines that can help teachers to manage their classes effectively, especially when working with high school students. Good class management usually begins with an analysis of the characteristics of the students and the strategies that can be most effective for a given group (Ausubel, 1976; Holzschuher, 2012). Another fundamental step is to plan how the classes will be managed, as well as the rules and procedures that will guide them which, in many cases, may even be planned with the students themselves (Badía Martín et al., 2012). Finally, it is important that students and teachers develop a relationship based on respect and personal interest; that will motivate students to be more willing to accept the necessary rules, procedures and disciplinary actions established for the class (Barreda Gómez, 2012). Class management is an issue that is influenced by many factors, including even class preparation, classroom organization, and instructional time management. This article will present appropriate guidelines to help both, teachers and institutions, to achieve an environment of discipline that favors student learning and emotional development.
URI : http://repositorio.ikiam.edu.ec/jspui/handle/RD_IKIAM/372
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