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2020Identificación de Ptaquilósido y Pterosina A en el helechoGuaraca Medina, Tatiana Alejandra
2022Identificación del conocimiento pseudocientífico en estudiantes de ciencias experimentalesAlvarez, Burgos Roberto; Llivisaca Uzhca, Ana; Quichimbo Belezaca, Bryan; Yunga Flores, Yadira; Cadena Nogales, Pedro
2021Identificación morfológica y molecular de hongos micorrízicos arbusculares asociados a las plantas de guayusa (Ilex guayusa Loes.) de la comunidad San Salvador del cantón Tena, EcuadorAstudillo Echeverría, Andrés Armando
2021Identification and assessment of livestock best management practices (BMPs) using the REED+ approach in the ecuadorian amazonTorres, Bolier; Eche, David; Torres, Yenny; Bravo, Carlos; Velasco, Crhistian; García, Anthon
2022Identification of key amino acid residues toward improving the catalytic activity and substrate specificity of plant-derived cytochrome P450 monooxygenases CYP716A subfamily enzyme for triterpenoid production in Saccharomyces cerevisiaeRomsuk, Jutapat; Seki, Hikaru; Yasumoto, Shuhei; Fukushima, Ery Odette; Muranaka, Toshiya
2020Identification of Oleandrin and other Cardenolides with Anticancer Activity in Methanolic Extracts from Plants of the Apocynaceae FamilyCotacachi Latacumba, Paul Esteban
2019Identification of oxidosqualene cyclases from the medicinal legume tree Bauhinia forficata: a step toward discovering preponderant α-amyrin-producing activitySrisawat, Pisanee; Fukushima, Ery Odette; Yasumoto, Shuhei; Robertlee, Jekson; Suzuki, Hideyuki; Seki, Hikaru
2019Identifying indigenous practices forcultivation of wild saprophytic mushrooms:responding to the need for sustainableutilization of natural resourcesWendiro, Deborah; Wacoo, Alex Paul; Wise, Graham
2021Impact of individual protected areas on deforestation and carbon emissions in Acre, BrazilKoskimäki, Teemu; Eklund, Johanna; Massaine Moulatlet, Gabriel
2017Impact of two policy interventions on dietary diversity in EcuadorPonce, Juan; Ramos Martín, Jesús
2022Impacto del cambio climático sobre ocupación humana de la Amazonía EcuatorianaTumbaco Vega, Bruce Anthony
2023Importance of public space, neighbors’ support, and safety in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdownCabrera Barona, Pablo; Gaona, Gabriel; Carrión, Andrea
2017Improved regeneration of eggplant doubled haploids from microspore-derived calli through organogenesisRivas Sendra, Alba; Corral Martínez, Patricia; Camacho Fernández, Carolina; Seguí Simarro, Jose M.
2021Improving Hourly Precipitation Estimates for Flash Flood Modeling in Data-Scarce Andean-Amazon Basins: An Integrative Framework Based on Machine Learning and Multiple Remotely Sensed DataEspitia Sarmiento, Edgar F; Chancay, Juseth E.
2024In defense of the primacy of the Nomenclature Section in decision-making in botanical nomenclature: A reply to the Rapporteurs’ comment on Proposal 193 to amend the Shenzhen CodeMoore, Gerry; Smith, Gideon F.; Figueiredo, Estrela; Landrum, Leslie R.; Gereau, Roy E.; Prado, Jefferson; Demissew, Sebsebe; Applequist, Wendy; Quintanar, Alejandro; Freire Fierro, Alina; Fortunato, Renée; Wen, Jun; Deng, Yun-Fei
2018In vitro effects of Crotalus atrox snake venom on chick and mouse neuromuscular preparationsSchezaro Ramos, Raphael; da Silva, Saulo L.; Pereira, Beatriz B.; Santa Fé, Ananda T.; Bruno, Mendes; Carregari, Victor C.; Salazar Mogollón, Noroska Gabriela; de Almeida, José R.; Hyslop, Stephen
2018Inclusive higher education governance: managing stakeholders, strategy, structure and functionWise, Graham; Dickinson, Connie; Katan, Tuntiak; Gallegos, María Cristina
2022Indigenous knowledge interaction network between host plants and edible insects in the Ecuadorian AmazonGuachamin Rosero, Michelle; Peñuela Mora, María Cristina; Zurita Benavides, María Gabriela
2021Inducción de la embriogénesis somática en Theobroma bicolor Humb. & Bonpl. cultivado en la Región Amazónica del EcuadorPazmiño Viteri, Michelle Carolina
2015Induction of Embryogenesis in Brassica Napus Microspores Produces a Callosic Subintinal Layer and Abnormal Cell Walls with Altered Levels of Callose and CelluloseParra Vega, Verónica; Corral Martínez, Patricia; Rivas Sendra, Alba; Seguí Simarro, Jose M.