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2021Two New Cryptic Pristimantis (Anura, Craugastoridae) from the Southern Amazon Basin of Peru with Taxonomic Comments on Pristimantis imitatrix (Duellman, 1978)Ortega Andrade, H. Mauricio; Deichmann, Jessica L.; Chaparro, Juan C.
2016Photography-based taxonomy is inadequate, unnecessary, and potentially harmful for biological sciencesCeríaco, Luis M.; Gutiérrez, Eliécer; Dubois, Alan Alqarni, Abdulaziz; Buckup, Paulo; Bauer, Franziska; Moratelli, Ricardo; Simón Abdala, Cristian; Algarni, abdulaziz; Adler, Kraig; A. Adriano, Edson; Erna, Aescht; Agarwal, Ishan; Aleixo, Alexandre; Agatha, Sabine; Angosti, Donat; Aguiar, Antonio; Aguiar, Jonas Jose; Ahrens, Dirk; Aleixo, Alexandre; Alves, María
2021Red List assessment of amphibian species of Ecuador: A multidimensional approach for their conservationOrtega Andrade, H. Mauricio; Rodes Blanco, Marina; CisnerosH eredia, Diego F.; Guerra Arévalo, Nereida; López de Vargas Machuca, Karima Gabriela; Sánchez Nivicela, Juan C.; Armijos Ojeda, Diego; Cáceres Andrade, José Francisco; Reyes Puig, Carolina; Quezada Riera, Amanda Belén; Székely, Paul; Rojas Soto, Octavio R.; Székely, Diana; Yánez Muñoz, Mario H.
2022A time relic: a new species of dwarf boa, Tropidophis Bibron, 1840 (Serpentes: Amerophidia), from the Upper Amazon BasinOrtega Andrade, H. Mauricio; Bentley, Alex; Koch, Claudia; Yánez-Muñoz, Mario H.
2023A first checklist of native names and ethnozoological notes of snakes (Squamata: Serpentes) from Kichwa and Shiwiar territories at the Amazonian EcuadorOrtega Andrade, H. Mauricio; Astudillo Bravo, Diana; Ordóñez Checa, Eliana
2024Systematic revision of the Eyelash Palm-Pitviper Bothriechis schlegelii (Serpentes, Viperidae), with the description of five new species and revalidation of threeArteaga, Alejandro; Pyron, R. Alexander; Batista, Abel; Vieira, Jose; Meneses Pelayo, Elson; Smith, Eric N.; Barrio Amorós, César L.; Koch, Claudia; Agne, Stefanie; Valencia, Jorge H.; Bustamante, Lucas; Harris, Kyle J.