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Resultados 231-240 de 769.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2016“Coating porous membranes with a photocatalyst: Comparison of LbL self-assembly and plasma-enhanced CVD techniques”Starr, B.J.; Tarabara, Volodymyr; Herrera Robledo, Miguel; Zhou, M.; Roualdes, S.; Ayral, André
2018El rol de la universidad Ikiam en la educación y política Ambiental de la Amazonía ecuatorianaBacquet Pérez, Caroline Nicole; Batres Quevedo, Jorge Alejandro; Noboa Velástegui, Jacqueline Alejandra
2017Efecto en campo de la cepa nativa COL6 de Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae sobre frijol común cv. Percal en EcuadorGranda Mora, Klever Iván; Yelenys Alvarado, Capó; Torres Gutiérrez, Roldán
2015Tropical botanical gardens play an under-emphasized role in animal conservationvan der Hoek, Yntze
2020Synthesis of Novel Catalytic Materials: Titania Nanotubes and Transition Metal Carbides, Nitrides, and Sulfidesde Carvalho, D.C.; Filho, J.M; Ferreira, O.P.; Oliveira, A.C; Assaf, E.M; Villasana, Yanet
2021Correction to: The role of environmental filtering, geographic distance and dispersal barriers in shaping the turnover of plant and animal species in AmazoniaDambros, Cristian; Zuquim, Gabriela; Massaine Moulatlet, Gabriel; Costa, Flávia R. C.; Tuomisto, Hanna; Ribas, Camila C.; Azevedo, Renato; Baccaro, Fabricio; Bobrowiec, Paulo E. D.; Dias, Murilo S.; Emilio, Thaise; Espirito-Santo, Helder M. V.; Figueiredo, Fernando O. G.
2019Identifying indigenous practices forcultivation of wild saprophytic mushrooms:responding to the need for sustainableutilization of natural resourcesWendiro, Deborah; Wacoo, Alex Paul; Wise, Graham
2020Biased-corrected richness estimates for the Amazonian tree floraSteege, ter Hans; I. prad, Paulo; de Lima, Renato A. F.; Pos, Edwin; Souza Coelho, Luiz de; Andrade Lima Filho, Diogenes de; Salomao, Rafael P.; Castilho, Carolina V.; Susan G. W., Laurance; Cardenas Revil, Juan David; Jimenez, Eliana M.; Chave, Jerome; Zárate Gómez, Ricardo; Peñuela Mora, María Cristina; Rodrigues, Domingos de Jesus; Coelho de Souza, Fernanda
2021The Ecuadorian Microbiome Project: a plea to strengthen microbial genomic researchDíaza, Magdalena; Jarrín Valladares, Pablo Santiago; Simarro, Raquel; Castillejo, Pablo; Tenea, Gabriela N.; Molina, C. Alfonso
2016Oral History Reveals Landscape Ecology in Ecuadorian Amazonia: Time Categories and Ethnobotany among Waorani PeopleZurita Benavides, María Gabriela; Jarrín Valladares, Pablo Santiago; Ríos, Montserrat