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2020Warning about conservation status of forest ecosystems in tropical Andes: National assessment based on IUCN criteriaKyoung Noh, Jin; Echeverria, Cristian; Kleemann, Janina; Koo, Hongmi; Fürst, Christine; Cuenca, Pablo
2023Water Quality and Dynamic Time Series Based on Meteorological Variables at the Muisne Station Located in the Bunche Enclosure, Esmeraldas, EcuadorCarrera Villacrés, David Vinicio; Chicaiza, Mayra Mercedes; Choloquinga, Carlos Aníbal; Ramos, Sisa Maribel; Unda, Leandro Jair; Carrera Villacrés, Felipe Benjamín
2022Water table depth modulates productivity and biomass across Amazonian forestsRodrigues de Sousa, Thaiane; Schietti, Juliana; Oliveira Ribeiro, Igor; Emilio, Thaise; Herrera Fernández, Rafael; Steege, Hans ter; Esquivel Muelbert, Adriane; Pontes Lopes, Aline; Monteagudo, Abel; Ruschel, Ademir Roberto; Castro, Wendeson; Torres Lezama, Armando; Schwantes Marimon, Beatriz; Marimon Junior, Ben Hur; Neill, David Alan; Jiménez, Eliana; Lopez Gonzalez, Gabriela; Manzatto, Angelo Gilberto; Peñuela Mora, María Cristina
2020What Drives Household Deforestation Decisions? Insights from the Ecuadorian Lowland RainforestsOjeda Luna, Tatiana L.; Eguiguren Velepucha, Paul; Günter, Sven; Torres, Bolier; Dieter, Matthias
2019White sand vegetation in an Amazonian lowland under the perspective of a young geological historyRossetti, Dilce F.; Massaine Moulatlet, Gabriel; Tuomisto, Hanna; Gribel, Rogério; Toledo, Peter M.; Valeriano, Márcio M.; Ruokolainen, Kalle; Cohen, Marcelo C.L.; Cordeiro, Carlos L.O.; Rennó, Camilo D.; Coelho, Luiz S.; Ferreira, Carlos A.C.
2020Wildlife roadkill patterns in a fragmented landscape of the Western AmazonFilius, Jonathan; van der Hoek, Intze; Jarrín Valladares, Pablo Santiago
2017Wind farms suitability location using geographical information system (GIS), based on multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods: The case of continental EcuadorVillacreses, Geovanna; Gaona, Gabriel; Martínez Gómez, Javier; Jijón, Diego Juan
2019Wing geometric morphometrics as a tool for taxonomic identification of two fly species (Diptera: Muscidae) of forensic relevanceNuñez, José Antonio; Jarrín Valladares, Pablo Santiago; Liria, Jonathan
2024Wing Phenotypic Diversity In Stingless Bees Genera (Apidae: Meliponini) From Ecuador AmazoniaBonilla, Karen; Liria, Jonathan; Rasmussen, Claus
2019Women´s Empowerment in Ecuador: Differentiating the impact of two interventionsPonce, Juan; Ramos Martín, Jesús; Intriago, Ruthy
2018Woodpecker cavity-tree selection in the ecuadorean amazon regionvan der Hoek, Yntze; Martin, Kathy
2018Working Together Towards One Goal: Results of the First Primate Census in Western EcuadorCervera, Laura; de la Torre, Stella; Zapata Ríos, Galo; Cortés, Felipe Alfonso-; Álvarez Solas, Sara; Crowe, Oliva; Cueva, Rubén; de la Torre, Amalia; Duch Latorre, Irena; Solórzano, María Fernanda; Fuentes, Nathalia; Larriva, Daniela; Maila, David; Mantilla, David; Mariscal, Ana; Mariscal, Carmen; Molina, Edisón; Morales, Mauricio; Morelos Juárez, Citlalli; Narváez Ruano, Viviana; Naveda Rodríguez, Adrián; Palacios, Jaime; Ramis, Lucas; Rivera, Esteban; Rubio, Alejandro; Salas Zambrano, Jaime A.; Sulca, Diana; Tapia, Andrea; Toapanta, Marcela; Troya, Erika; Urbina, Sylvana; Utreras, Víctor; Velarde Garcéz, Daniel A.; Veloz, Oscar A.
2022XPS characterization of Vanadium Carbide species formed during the atomization process in Electrothermal Atomic Absorption SpectroscopyRuiz, Frine; Brito Gonzalvez, Joaquin; Aguilera de Benzo, Zully; Salas, Janeth; Garaboto, Angel
2022Zonas con potencial de exploración de aguas subterráneas, utilizando técnicas de análisis jerárquico, SIG y Teledetección en la Demarcación Hidrográfica Manabí, EcuadorRoman Piedra, Luis Adrian