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dc.contributor.authorLópez Villa, Luis Ernesto-
dc.contributor.authorCando Zumba, Ana del Rocío-
dc.contributor.authorBastidas Orozco, Fernanda Matilde-
dc.identifier.citationZumba, A. ., Villa, L. ., & Valverde, T. . (2019). VALORACIÓN DEL CAPITAL INTELECTUAL: ANÁLISIS DEL CAPITAL HUMANO EN LAS PYMES DEL ECUADOR. Revista Inclusiones, 475-491. Recuperado a partir de https://revistainclusiones.org/index.php/inclu/article/view/2176es
dc.identifier.issnDOI: 10.34140/bjbv4n4-061-
dc.description.abstractThe present work highlights the globalized economy and the knowledge society that predominates worldwide, companies that are based on knowledge are a source for generating employment, services have been created public support policies with respect to the Creation and Expansion of SMEs based on technology and R & D + i. Among the shortcomings of small and medium enterprises in the country are access to markets, relations with capital, qualified resources, the regulatory environment, weaknesses in human capital performance and competitiveness. Intellectual capital is based on knowledge or human intellect and develops in the organization. The documentary and empirical study evaluates the intellectual capital of the SME through human capital and concludes that: Human capital in Ecuador is a factor thates
dc.subjectCapital Intelectuales
dc.subjectCapital Humanoes
dc.titleValuation of intellectual capital: Analysis of human capital in small and medium businesses PYMES in Ecuadores
Aparece en las colecciones: ARTÍCULOS CIENTÍFICOS

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